When you get a facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, you’ll need to practice diligent post-operative care while you heal from the procedure. Caring for incision scars is a normal part of facelift recovery, and this will ensure that the scars fade and blend in with the skin.
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Healing is one of the most important parts of any surgery, and abdominoplasties are no exception. Since a lot of skin, fat, and muscle tissue are removed, the body needs time to recover. If you make sure to follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions, the tummy tuck recovery process will not be too taxing.
Read More...During pregnancy, the womb gets much larger in order to make room for the growth of the baby. The womb pushes against the abdominal muscles, loosening and separating them. To correct this, a tummy tuck is necessary.
Along with trimming away excess fat and skin from the abdominal area, a plastic surgeon performing a tummy tuck is able to make changes to the underlying muscles. The surgeon can bring them closer together and suture them into place, creating a firmer abdominal wall.
Read More...Many women must deal with breast asymmetry, a condition where one of their breasts is disproportionately larger or smaller than the other. This can cause embarrassment and emotional distress. Breast reduction is a popular solution to this problem.
Read More...Blepharoplasty is one of the most-effective procedures available for removing excess hanging skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids. How does one get ready for their blepharoplasty surgery?
Read More...Nobody enjoys feeling like they look out of shape. The solution to excess fat is liposuction surgery, in which a plastic surgeon removes those unsightly deposits of fat and leaves you looking slimmer.
Liposuction can begin with general anesthesia, local anesthesia, or IV sedation. This often depends on the extensiveness of the procedure. Your plastic surgeon will determine the optimal course of action.
Read More...A blepharoplasty will remove the bags under your eyes, the wrinkles on your eyelids, and the hanging skin that protrudes from the lids. This beneficial procedure, also called an eye lift, can make you look less fatigued and often much younger.